YEAR | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
YEAR 1; 2019 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | Klade birthday, he re-unites with shono at her house after she texts him; Story begins. | Shono moves into new Apartment; Shono, Klade, Lindsey, Irene all meet. | shonoklade focus | shonolindsey focus | Hakim introduction, "Halloween Party", Lindsey Klade beef escalates, Finn and his history w/klade established. Shonolindsey first sexual encounter | kladecury focus | Lindsey flies to London and auditions for musicals, is unsucessful, Meets Nea on the plane home, they become friends. Klade meets Saturn w/out getting her name. Christmas at the Hisakawas. |
YEAR 2; 2020 | Lindsey meets Johanna, Nea focus(on him being like wah wah saturn), | Ryan crashes at Klade house, wacky missunderstandings ensue. Jupsey mini story (length tba), Saturn introduced to Klade, Ryan, Irene & Hakim | C-PRISM Concert, attendees Klade, Hakim, Nea, Irene. Nyan exploration | Saturn introduced to Lindsey, Shono, Johanna: everyone now knows each other | BEACH EPISODE + Gavin gets out of jail n flees america |
beginning of month Gavin & Garett focus, later Klade birthday w/Shono and subsequent Gavin encounter @ Facility | JAPAN ARC shonoklade romantic relationship start | Newmaker family unraveling, TBA but includes Gavin Saturn meet. Melody becomes suspicious | Shonoklade break up; Shono can't deal with Klade's bad coping (cut him some slack girl!) | Melovin "reconnect" dinner,es eh ix,,, Shono develops real feelings for Lindsey after they have sex again, he tweaks (bc aroggot), they drift apart slowly | Jupsey sex, shortlived awkwardness. Saturn spends a lot of time at Gavins house, basically almost moving in as Melody becomes increasingly unpredictable | Lindsey tries to reconnect with his mother, unsuccesful. Everyone does their own thing for the holidays, Kladecury romantic relationship start. |
YEAR 3; 2021 | TBA | FUNERAL ARC | Something (TBA) happens to cause Kladecury breakup, parallel spiraling of Klade and Lindsey as they push away those closest to them, not only because of but also as a result of the Funeral. Klade and Saturn grow very close. | Shono becomes increasingly frustrated with the situation: she doesn't really have anyone left. Lindsey is MIA, Irene and Shono were the last ones who saw him. | SHONO DREAMWORLD ARC (coma arc, whatever u wanna call it) little miss shono takes pills to escape to dreamworld. | TBA | TBA | TBA | TBA | TBA | TBA | TBA |
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