Name: Shono Hisakawa
Birthday: 22nd November
Zodiac: Scorpio
Age: 21
Gender: Female she/her
Sexuality: Unlabeled
Religion: Nonec
Height: 174cm
Weight: 67kg
Nationality: German/
Ethnicity: German/
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About Shono
Shono is a cheerful and energetic girl, but her demeanor hides a person jaded from horrible visions of grim futures and violent deaths, of losing those closest to her. Is she doomed to just watch her relationships crash and burn, or can she user her visions to her advantage?
Shonos Moral Alignment is True Neutral.
Shono dsfgdhgds gfhdfjskogh ffhuoigaihojf hfwhg uhgui. agiu gaighri lgg rhguöioUWHILEUIOF OIVW VHIOUSFOVF HFSOI VHGFDIOFGBHG OEFOSVHOFISFHVOjgvhof org gijorhfosfjoes fhsog soighfiohgsuo agiu gaighri lgg rhguöioUWHILEUIOF OIVW VHIOUSFOVF HFSOI VHGFDIOFGBHG OEFOSVHOFISFHVOjgvhof org gijorhfosfjoes fhsog soighfiohgsuo agiu gaighri lgg rhguöioUWHILEUIOF OIVW VHIOUSFOVF HFSOI VHGFDIOFGBHG OEFOSVHOFISFHVOjgvhof org gijorhfosfjoes fhsog soighfiohgsuo
- She is a girl
- She has Marcus Gunn Jaw Winking Syndrome on her right eye
Authors Notes
- Her outfit is (mostly) based on clothes I have in real life