Name: Nea Rivera
Birthday: 23rd February
Zodiac: Pisces
Age: 23
Gender: Male he/him
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Mahayana
Height: 177cm
Weight: 74,8kg
Nationality: Indian
Ethnicity: Sri Lankan/
About Nea
Growing up in a small town as an only child Nea has always felt isolated, being a typical rebellious teenager. Now, an adult and living halfway across the world a certain long haired girl serves as a constant reminder of a past he would rather forget.
Neas Moral Alignment is Neutral Good.
Nea was raised in a small village in the south and on the west coast of India. He dealt with an awful, cruel and vindictive father, who made Neas life a living hell. On the surface, Nea was an "impossible" and "violent" child, but he merely had to adapt to his surroundings. Nea found solace in the Internet and emo/scene culture, making it a huge part of his personality to the point most of his face was covered in piercings. The only time him and his father got along is when they worked together at the family owned photography studio, where Nea honed his skills for a craft he despised.
Nea accepted a Photography job in Germany, and left his home and family in India, after years of expert planning, making sure he would never be found by any of them again. On the second leg of his journey to Frankfurt, he met Lindsey, who was flying back from London. Nea, who exhausted from almost 24 non-stop hours of travel, almost missed his flight when Lindsey kindly woke him up at the Gate. Another brief missunderstanding between the two had them sitting next to each other on the relatively short flight. Reaching the wrong airport, Nea believes he is done for good, stuck in an unfamiliar country with no way to his apartment, having missed the last shuttle bus back. However so did Lindsey, and the two got to talking, eventually reaching the big city in the morning together.
Likes & Dislikes
- Emo/Screamo/Punk Music
- Black Clothing
- Fixing Cars
- Photography
- Rainy Weather
- His Parents
- He is very good at sewing and used to make most of his own clothing
- He gets extreme road rage when driving to the point he warns every passenger in his car of his outbursts
- He has four gold rings, each one of them has "I love you" inscribed on the inside in the following languages: Tamil, Punjabi, English, German
- He is fluent in these languages too
Authors Notes
- His Name is meaningless. I think he knows that. I think he resents me for it too.
- He is my favorite